Sing Me Home

Sing me home to myself

Sing me home to love

Sing me home to my path

This path of healing, transformation, and awakening

Sing me home to the pain, the sorrow, 

and the ability to embrace it all with mindfulness and compassion

Sing me home to community

To deep connection and communion

with all beings and all parts of myself

and non-self

Sing me home to the river

Sing me home to letting go

Sing me home to my peace, serenity, and happiness

in this moment

Sing, sing, sing me home

May the music that flows from my heart and spirit always be a reminder and an invitation to come back to our true home in the here and in the now. In this present moment there is pain and also joy. There is immense suffering in the world and there is also deep resilience, creativity, and possibility. May we awaken to the ancestral stores of love within each of us. May our collective energy motivate us to act from compassion and recognize our interdependence. May we learn to love ourselves and our neighbors fully.

I feel fortunate to have some ways to contribute to peace and healing in this world, especially during this time of continued violence, war, climate crises, and political polarization. My contributions are humble, yet when they join with the many embodied offerings of peace around the world, they form a deep well and a mighty river. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to return to North Manchester, Indiana this weekend for the Sing Me Home Festival sponsored by Friends of the Weather and the Church of the Bretheren.

I am so excited about my forthcoming album, now titled Learn to Love Again, and am happy to announce that we have completed all recording! I want to thank everyone who has donated thus far to get us to this point. In addition to the amazing work of Chris Good, John Driscoll, and Billy King, we welcomed incredible musical contributions from Lesley-Anne Stone, Jenny Jones, Glen Michael Blair, Chris DeMeglio, Born I, Peace Be Free, Mark Stone, and my wonderful parents David and Mary Jo Reilly.

I am launching a GoFundMe to help raise the final costs of mixing, mastering, and releasing the album. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without your help, and I don’t expect you to contribute again if you already have, but I do ask your help in spreading the word and sharing the GoFundMe far and wide. And if you want to contribute more, I would humbly welcome you to do so. 

Thank you for your generosity, support, and encouragement. It allows me to keep going on this path of music and spirit, and is helping me learn to love again and again and again.

May we continue on this path of love together,


P.S. Check out my interview on the podcast Yogi and the Beachman, including an acoustic performance of Learn to Love Again!

P.P.S. I will be joining Dharma teachers Peggy Rowe Ward and Larry Ward and the Lotus Institute for an online celebration of Thich Nhat Hanh's Continuation Day on Wednesday October 16th at 7pm ET. Join us!

Looking ahead....
I'll be traveling to the Pacific NW in February for my first tour there since 2020! I'm looking for schools, churches, community centers, and other venues that may be a good fit for my music. Send me a note with any ideas. Thank you!


Songs of Resilience


Strawberry Moon Songs